Accidents can happen to anyone, at any time.
Can you afford the financial hit if one were to happen to you or someone in your family? Select Benefits accident coverage can help with some of the costs after an accident, allowing you and your family to get the care you need and back to your daily routine.
How it works
Select Benefits accident coverage provides benefits for one accident per covered person per calendar year. That means all eligible expenses associated with that accident are covered at 100%, up to the benefit limit. Benefits are paid no matter what other coverage you may have, and you can visit any provider you like. The first expense must be incurred within 60 days of the accident, with all remaining expenses incurred within 52 weeks of the accident date.
Why accident coverage?
Understanding how accident coverage fits into your overall benefits package can help you decide if it’s right for you and your family. Consider your health care out-of-pocket liability. Accident coverage can help you reach any deductible while paying little to nothing from your own pocket. Accident benefits can also be used to pay for additional costs triggered by an accident, such as child or elder care during recovery.
What’s covered?
Benefits are provided for eligible expenses incurred in connection with an accident when they are ordered or performed by a physician.
Inpatient prescription drugs
Benefits are provided for eligible expenses incurred in connection with an accident if you are confined in a hospital and the drugs are prescribed by a physician and administered in the hospital by a licensed health care provider.
Benefits are provided for eligible expenses incurred in connection with an accident when surgical procedures are performed by a licensed physician.
Benefits are provided for eligible expenses performed by a licensed physician or licensed dentist in connection with the following accidents:
- Dislocation of jaw
- Injury to natural teeth
- Closed or open reduction of a fracture
Benefits are provided for the following services and supplies when they are provided or prescribed by a licensed physician or other licensed health care provider:
- Physician office visits
- Emergency room visits
- Outpatient hospital visits
- Urgent care visits
- Chiropractic visits
- Rehabilitation services
- Nursing services
Inpatient hospital
Benefits are provided for eligible expenses incurred in connection with an accident if all of the following conditions are met:
- You are confined in a hospital.
- A charge is made for room and board.
- The entire duration of the hospital confinement is recommended and approved by a physician.
- Confinement is the result of a non-occupational accident.
- The services and supplies used are not excluded under the exclusions and limitations provision of your policy.